Adaptation and Reception of Manga

Partner university (faculty)

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Chiba University and The University of Alabama

Class schedule

October 21 and October 28, 2020

Time difference

15 hours

Class objectives

The class seeks to examine the nature of translation, the issues behind this activity, and how they are dealt with in real life by looking mainly at the texts of Japanese manga translated into German. The knowledge gained form this class will enable students to become more aware of translation activities which occur on a daily basis. In addition, the class also touches on the current and actual international reception of manga through international collaborative learning with overseas partner schools.

Class content

We asked students from the University of Alabama who are learning Japanese and can read and understand the original Japanese version to provide their perspectives about the issues concerning the translated version of Japanese manga (such as Japanese culture, food, events, and expressions unique to manga, etc.). Then, they were invited to exchange their opinions with students from Chiba University, and to examine issues about translation methods and assess them.
Relevant English video materials were uploaded to Knovio and shown to the students from the University of Alabama. Their responses were collected through e-mails and these comments were shown to the students of Chiba University on Moodle, together with the video materials, and lesson materials in Japanese. Comments from the Japanese students were then collated and sent to the students from the University of Alabama through the email function of Moodle.

Class format


Tools used

Moodle, E-mail, Knovio

This was a valuable opportunity to collect and refer to a decent number of comments about the reception of translations, which is hard to come by even in comparative translation studies. It was also an opportunity to hear directly from those who are learning Japanese and have a deeper understanding of Japanese manga in terms of the language and culture than those who can only access the translated version.
In terms of implementation, it was a practical exercise on how to conduct large-scale international collaborative learning since the class had more than 100 participants from Chiba University. We believe that a proper exchange of opinions between the two groups was established despite the asynchronous nature of the activity, an online lesson format which was adopted to accommodate the class-size issues and also other external issues.


千葉大学国際教養学部 アラバマ大学








日本マンガの翻訳版における翻訳上の問題(日本の文化、食べ物、イベント、マンガ特有の表現など)について、翻訳版受容者かつ日本語オリジナル版を読む・理解できる能力もあるアラバマ大の日本語を学習している学生目線からコメントをもらい、それと千葉大生との間で意見交換を行い、翻訳の手法とその評価について考察する。 Knovioにアップロードしたテーマに関する英語の動画資料をアラバマ大生に示し、それに対するコメントをメールで集め、コメント・動画資料・日本語の授業資料を千葉大生にMoodleで示し、Moodleの機能でアラバマ大生へのコメントを収集し、メールで送付した。




Moodle, E-mail, Knovio
