Studying Religion in Japanese and English A & B

Partner university (faculty)
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Chiba University and Stony Brook University, The State University of New York
Class schedule
Term 2-3
Time difference
14 hour
Class objectives
There are not many opportunities for students to acquire knowledge about religions. Even students with some knowledge of them have difficulty explaining them in English. This class seeks to make students understand the outline of the religious situation in Japan by learning the basic knowledge of religions in Japanese and English and to be able to explain it in English. In program A, students learn the general knowledge about the major religions in Japan and the world through a mix of Japanese and English at the academic level. In program B, students learn about Buddhism mainly in English through international collaborative learning (e-learning and online discussions) with American universities.
Class content
Term 2 Program A
- June 18: Guidance and Introduction: What is Religion? (Fukuda Tomoko and Ioannis Gaitanidis)
- June 25: Buddhism 1 (Daniel Friedrich)
- July 2: Buddhism 2 (Daniel Friedrich)
- July 9: Buddhism 3 (Daniel Friedrich)
- July 16: Christianity (Daniel Friedrich)
- July 30: Shintoism (Ioannis Gaitanidis)
Supplement 1: Buddhism (Mary Diaz and Fukuda Tomoko)
Supplement 2: Islam (Fukuda Tomoko)
Term 3 Program B
- August 6: Guidance (Fukuda Tomoko)
- August 13: Buddhism 1 (Mary Diaz)
- August 20: Buddhism 2 (Mary Diaz)
- August 27: Buddhism 3 (Mary Diaz)
- September 3: Buddhism 4 (Mary Diaz)
- September 10: Buddhism 5 (Mary Diaz)
- September 17: Buddhism 6 (Mary Diaz)
- September 24: Summary and reflection (Fukuda Tomoko)
Class format
Tools used
e-learning, COIL-Moodle
Students can experience lectures in English on demand while in Japan, and they can also acquire the basic knowledge of religions and English vocabulary in program A because they can watch lectures given in a mix of English and Japanese. In program B, students can attend lectures that are at almost the same level as those given at American universities and have asynchronous online discussions with the students and faculty members of Stoney Brook University by using the chat function. Furthermore, students can participate with confidence throughout the class as the teachers of Chiba University provide support in Japanese.
千葉大学国際教養学部 ニューヨーク州立大学ストーニーブルック校
宗教に関する教養を学ぶ機会は少なく、また多少の知識を持つ学生であっても、それを英語で説明するのは難しい。この授業では、日本語と英語で宗教の基礎的知識を学び、日本の宗教状況について概要を理解するとともに、それを英語で説明できるようになることを目指す。Aでは、日本と世界の主要な宗教に関する教養レベルの知識を、日本語・英語ミックスで概説的に学ぶ。Bでは、アメリカの大学との国際協働学修(e-learning, online discussion)により、仏教について主に英語で学ぶ。
T2 A
第1回 6/18~ ガイダンス、宗教とは何か(福田・ヤニス)
第2回 6/25~ 仏教1(Daniel Friedrich)
第3回 7/2~ 仏教2(Daniel Friedrich)
第4回 7/9~ 仏教3(Daniel Friedrich)
第5回 7/16~ キリスト教(Daniel Friedrich)
第6回 7/30~ 神道(ヤニス)
追加(1) 仏教(Mary Diaz・福田)
追加(2) イスラーム(福田)
T3 B
第1回 8/6~ ガイダンス(福田)
第2回 8/13~ 仏教1(Mary Diaz)
第3回 8/20~ 仏教2(Mary Diaz)
第4回 8/27~ 仏教3(Mary Diaz)
第5回 9/3~ 仏教4(Mary Diaz)
第6回 9/10~ 仏教5(Mary Diaz)
第7回 9/17~ 仏教6(Mary Diaz)
第8回 9/24~ まとめと振り返り(福田)
e-learning, COIL-Moodle