Think outside the box,
create a new set of values for the world and future.
Address the global challenges with the strengths that Japan has to offer. Leap outside the boundaries of existing academic disciplines ‒ bringing harmony of the arts and the sciences to create an exciting future in the ever wider and wider world on your horizon.
Chiba University has a long history as a comprehensive university. It draws on this legacy to the new academic approach ‒ the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences seeks to equip students with knowledge and skills empowering them more effectively to challenge problems of social, technical, and human complexity from a distinctly Japanese perspective, and disseminating the novel perspectives to the world.
At Chiba University, we are committed to academic rigor and excellence in fostering an individual ability and a global citizenship taking an active role in a diverse multicultural environment.
“Global” + “Japanese” + “Science”
Taking on the challenges through the integrative approach of
the arts and the sciences.
In order to address the problems in a technologically advanced and multicultural world, we need to take a multi-faceted approach to problem solving, looking at a situation from all possible angles.
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences embraces change, through teaching and learning that continually addresses the global issue and the needs of a diverse culture and a dynamic economy.
We equip students with skills to make connections across disciplines and between current and new knowledge through a unique perspective of Japanese culture and technology, and applying that knowledge in professional and community life.
Mission & Vision
In order for the multicultural world to develop sustainably, it is inevitable that we face head on a number of challenges, such as environmental issues and human security. Chiba University believe that addressing the problems through existing academic disciplines alone does not bring us closer to the answers. While Japan’s economy continues to just tread water, the wide appeal of Japan’s world leading science and technology and unique culture will create greater business opportunities, which will contribute to Japanʼs economic development and in turn the longer-term development of the world. The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences help students to become individuals who are able to integrate and apply a “global - Japanese - local” perspective in our complex, diverse, and technological world. Students also gain the ability to communicate what one has discovered to a world audience.
[Special Feature 1]
Solution oriented education combining the arts and sciences
The College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences provide an excellent education for students desiring intellectual enrichment in both arts and sciences. On account of a “comprehensive” university, we function to equip students with the holistic skills and knowledge that will serve as the ability to identify and solve problems in a rapidly changing multicultural world. As part of its solution oriented education, Chiba University has made a radical departure from long-standing notions about how to approach academic problems. Traditionally, a student selects an academic discipline and works within that discipline to solve the problem. Our solution oriented approach starts with the core issue, and selects multiple disciplines, combining the knowledge from each, in order to address the problem.
[Special Feature 2]
“Tailor-made” education and learning support with SULA
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences prepares students to address problems in a multicultural world by using knowledge and methods that cross disciplinary boundaries. Students take courses that will guide them to solve the particular problem that they have set for themselves. We provide a “tailor-made” study program where teaching staff and a SULA (Super University Learning Administrator) will lead students to an appropriate path that fits the studentsʼ individual needs and goals regarding curriculum, activities, and study abroad programs.
[Special Feature 3]“Active” learning
In order to encourage an independent study environment, Chiba University has created academic facilities which include the Academic Link Center and the English House. In addition to introducing these interactive lecture facilities, we also run a learning support system involving the help of post-graduate students. These initiatives form a foundation for College of Liberal Arts and Sciences students to embrace “active” learning.
[Special Feature 4]“Social” learning
In accord with the learning philosophy “learning about practice in practice”, the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences emphasizes hands-on learning experiences in the local communities, the nation, and the world. The activities include fieldwork, internships, and volunteering programs. Students are expected to cultivate theoretical knowledge as well as the ability to apply what they learned and find solutions to issues through practical experience.
These activities are organized as course programs which involve preparation and review, so it enables students to share what they learned and apply their skills in the real world.
[Special Feature 5]Overseas study
Students in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences are required to study overseas at least once prior to graduating.
Oversea experience will foster their international awareness and Japanese awareness through cross cultural experiences and interactions. Chiba University will introduce a new academic calendar starting in the 2016 Academic Year, which will be able to accommodate overseas’ study periods.
The academic year is divided into six terms, so it allows us to provide a range of study abroad programs according to levels, contents, and lengths of time.
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences practices a solution oriented education combining arts and sciences to promote increased multi-perspective understanding. Students develop mastery of essentials -the ability to identify, analyze, and solve issues, as well as the ability to present what one has discovered.
Our teaching staff and a SULA will guide students to an appropriate path that fits the studentsʼ individual needs.
General Education Courses | These courses are required of all students, and provide a foundation knowledge of a wide array of field. |
Birds Eye Courses Required Core Courses |
These courses include the humanities and social sciences, the natural sciences, and the life sciences. Students gain the skills and knowledge that cross disciplinary boundaries. |
Skill Building Courses | These courses include technical languages and research methods. Students acquire a foundation knowledge of problem solving and communication. |
Field Work Courses | In accord with the philosophy “learning about practice in practice”, students increase the abilities to identify and find solutions for problems through hands-on learning experiences in the local communities, the nation, and the world. |
Studying Abroad Courses |
In accord with the philosophy “learning about the world in the world,” students cultivate their skills to identify and find solutions for problems through the study abroad programs with overseas partner universities. |
Global Studies Major Courses |
Students gain an understanding of the background and structure of global issues, finding useful and appropriate information that will support the search for answers. |
Contemporary Japanese Studies Major Courses |
These courses advance the knowledge and learning in Japanese technology, culture and society to facilitate to analyze global issues. |
Integrated Science Major Courses |
Students acquire a foundation knowledge of a comprehensive range of sciences, as well as capability of identifying new perspectives on how to addresses problems of concern. |
Major Project Work Courses |
Students mold information into a report and complete their graduation thesis project / research with a series of group work discussions and mentoring with the faculties. |
Study path from first enrolment to graduation
Summer Program
Chiba Universityʼs unique customized summer programs are designed to provide international students with knowledge and training in a broad range of fields. We can create customized summer programs to meet your students’ needs. These programs highlight the best of what Chiba University has to offer.
Sample customized summer programs include:
-Design Innovation Studio Work
-Comic Story Writing
-Capture “another Japan”
-Advanced Japanese Program
-Japanese Horticulture : The past and present
-The Future of Plant Factories
Benefits of customized summer programs include:
-Flexible starting and ending dates
-Flexible length (about 7 to 14 days)
-Flexible content
Campus Life
Learning Environment
Nishi-Chiba Campus is located in Chiba Cityʼs Inage Ward. The facilities surrounded by rich nature with zelkova and laurel trees are home to the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. The campus offers an encouraging environment for studentsʼ independent study with ʻActive Learningʼ facilities, such as the ʻAcademic Link Centerʼ and the ʻEnglish Houseʼ.
Academic Link Center
Academic Link Center serves as not only a quiet environment, but also it provides spaces for group work and presentation, along with teaching and studying materials. They also provide an individual assistance in studentsʼ quest for the acquisition and integration of knowledge.

English House