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- 福田友子,2012,「パキスタン人――可視的マイノリティの社会的上昇」樋口直人編『日本のエスニック・ビジネス』世界思想社.
- 福田友子,2012,「千葉県における『内なる国際化』と外国籍住民の状況」および「千葉県内のモスク設立とムスリム移民」房総日本語ボランティアネットワーク編『千葉における多文化共生のまちづくり』エイデル研究所.
- 福田友子,2009,「流入労働者たちの系譜――沖縄出身者,在日コリアン,日系ラテンアメリカ人の集住地域としての鶴見」および「後続世代の女性たちと『地域の国際化』――菅生・あざみ野における外国人支援活動参加者の社会的背景」玉野和志・浅川達人編『東京大都市圏の空間形成とコミュニティ』古今書院.
Books (Author)
- FUKUDA Tomoko, 2012, "Social World of Transnational Pakistani Migrants: From Migrant Workers to Migrant Entrepreneurs," Fukumura Shuppan. (in Japanese)
Books (Co-author)
- FUKUDA Tomoko, 2014, 'Ethnic Businesses in Global Reuse System: Used Car and Parts Trading Businesses among South Asian Migrants' Entrepreneurs,' KOJIMA Michikazu ed., "International Reuse and Developing Countries: Transboundary Transaction of Used Goods," IDE-JETRO: 133-171. (in Japanese)
- FUKUDA Tomoko, 2012, 'Pakistanis: Upper Social Mobility of Visible Minorities,' HIGUCHI Naoto ed., "Ethnic Businesses in Japan," Sekaishiso-sha:221-250. (in Japanese)
- FUKUDA Tomoko, 2012, 'Situation of Foreign Residents and "Globalization of Local Communities" in Chiba Prefecture,' and 'Muslim Migrants and Foundation of Mosques in Chiba Prefecture,' Bousou Japanese Volunteer Network ed., "Approaches to Multicultural Community Development in Chiba," Eidell Kenkyu-sho. (in Japanese)
- FUKUDA Tomoko, 2009, 'History of Inflow of Workers: Ethnic Concentrations of Okinawans, Zainichi (Japanese-born) Koreans and Latin Americans of Japanese Descent in Tsurumi,' and ' "Kozoku Sedai" Women Volunteers and "Regional Internationalization": Social Backgrounds of Supporters of Migrants in the Sugao and Azamino Areas,' TAMANO Kazushi and ASAKAWA Tatsuto eds., "Space Formation and Community in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area," Kokon Shoten. (in Japanese)