教員名 Teaching Staff |
小林 聡子 (Satoko Shao-Kobayashi) |
最終学歴 Last Academic Qualification |
教育学博士(カリフォルニア大学サンタバーバラ校、米国) PhD in Education(University of California, Santa Barbara, USA) |
専門分野 Research Areas |
教育/言語人類学(質的研究方法論、比較教育学、言語相互作用と社会組織論、応用言語学) Education/ Linguistic Anthropology (qualitative and interpretive research specialization; cultural perspectives and comparative education; language, interaction, and social organization; applied linguistics) |
現在行っている研究 Current Research |
人種・民族・言語イデオロギーに関わる、空間的・言語的行為の比較分析から、教育における公正性や多様性の研究しています。特に、日系を含むアジア系アメリカ人を対象としています。また、研究者の存在やデータ起こしの政治性といった質的研究方法論も研究対象にしています。[キーワード:エスノグラフィー、談話分析、言語人類学、批判的地理学] My research encompasses issues of educational equity and diversity examined through comparative analyses of spatial and discursive practices related race, ethnicity and language ideologies involving Japanese and other Asian Americans in the United States. Qualitative research methodology is the other focus of my research - in particular, my current interest is on politics of researcher and transcribing. [keywords: ethnography, discourse analysis, linguistic anthropology, critical geography] |
担当科目 Current Teaching |
- 「世界の中の日本」(国際コア)
- 学校教育と公正性(JS) Schooling and Equity
発表論文等 Published Papers, etc. |
- ガイタニディス ヤニス・小林 聡子・吉野 文(編)(2020).『クリティカル日本学:協働学習を通して「日本」のステレオタイプを学びほぐす』明石書店(「第4章 日本人と人種差別は関係ないのか」「第10章 日本の教育は平等か」)
- Shao-Kobayashi, Satoko. 2018. "'Who's Pitiful Now?': Othering and Identity Shifts of Japanese Youth from California to Tokyo," Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education, 12(3).
- Shao-Kobayashi, Satoko. 2017. "Mapping Imagined Boundaries: Researching Linguistic and Spatial Practices of Othering at a Japanese University Campus," New Ideas in East Asian Studies, (1).
- Gaitanidis, I. & Shao-Kobayashi, S. (2016). De-Racializing Japaneseness: A Collaborative Approach to Shifting Interpretation and Representation of "Culture" at a University in Japan. In Race, Equity, and the Learning Environment: The Global Relevance of Critical and Inclusive Pedagogies in Higher Education. F. Tuitt, C. Haynes, & S. Stewart (Eds.). Stylus Publishing, LLC.
- Shao-Kobayashi, S. (2014). "I don't talk to those Japs": Researching negotiating language and identity among transnational Japanese high school students. In Shaping Ethnography in Multilingual and Multicultural Contexts, 85-109.
- Shao-Kobayashi, S. (2013). "My dad is samurai": Positioning of race and ethnicity surrounding a transnational Colombian Japanese high school student. Linguistics and Education, 24(3), 361-372.